a space made by artists for artists
the stass paraskos
studio school
Since 1969 the Cyprus Summer Studio (also called the Cyprus Summer
School) has been offering artists and art students from Britain, Ireland and
elsewhere the chance to spend a month enjoying the Cypriot sunshine at an
affordable price.
Building on this we are now offering artists and art students the
opportunity to spend short periods of time at the Cyprus College of Art on a new Cyprus Studio School programme at other times
of year, including throughout the Winter.
Like the Cyprus Summer Studio, the Cyprus Studio School is
not a course, and the number of participants will be much lower
than on the annual Cyprus Summer Studiuo, but you will still be
in the company of other artists and art students (as well as the
occasional design student, poet or musician) and
have access to the studios of the Cyprus College of Art (Paphos).
You can book for anything from two weeks.
upwards. Our accommodation is simple
youth hostel style accommodation,
with shared bathroom and cooking
facilities, and everyone chips in to
keep the place clean. It is simple, but
pleasant accommodation which you can think
of as being a bit like camping, but you should
imagine stone tents.
The ethos of the Cyprus Studio School today is the same as motivated the celebrated Cypriot artist Stass Paraskos to found the Cyprus Summer Studio back in 1969. The Cyprus Summer Studio (or Cyprus Summer School as it was called in 1969) was set up to provide artists and art students with a place in the summer sunshine where they could live, work and produce interesting and innovative art.
The sense of freedom has always been central to what we do, so that although many universities and art studios might pay lip service to the idea of artistic freedom, very few of them practice it in a
meaningful way. We try to. That does not
mean there are no rules, but there are no
prejudices or preconceived ideas.
Most of all the Cyprus College of Art has
always been about living and working as a
community of artists. This seems very idealistic in today's money minded art world, but we are idealistic. The Cyprus College of Art is a simple place, a bit ramshackle and rough around the edges, but it points to a future ideal world where art is valued not for its financial value, but for its intrinsic quality. It points to a utopia where artists are considered important because of what they make, and not because they are a brand name or celebrity always filling the media.
If being an idealitic, utopian artist living simply in Cyprus for a while appeals to you, then get in touch or enrol on the Cyprus Studio School now if you like.
For full terms and conditions of your booking click here.
"Cyprus has been an amazingly enriching experience for me, the easy camaraderie, enthusiastic spirit, and artistic support. It has been a real honor and privilege."
- Margaret Maumgenest, American Artist
at the Cyprus College of Art, 2014
for artists and art students from around the world
"Here it is all about the making of art.
The simple stuff that attracted most of us to this art thing in the first place. It's about developing studio practice without all that professional development crap."
- Marcus Cope interviewed on the Cyprus College of Art
by Ross Walker in This is Tomorrow magazine.
Marcus is co-founder of the Marmite Prize for Painting.
The sense of freedom has always been central to what we do
Think of it as being
a bit like camping,
but in stone tents