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term dates

Term Dates 2013 - 2014


Michaelmas Term


Soft start from 16 September 2013 to 30 September 2013

Soft start is the begining of the College year when students can take up residency in the studios and use the facilities (after registration), but official teaching does not start. It is not compulsory to attend the College during this period. It is useful if students could let us know if they plan to be at the College during the soft start period.


Official start: 1 October 2013

Official end: 14 December 2013



Hilary Term


Official start (except Postgraduate): 20 January 2014

Official start (Postgraduate only): 17 February 2014

Official end: 11 April 2014



Trinity Term


Official start: 28 April 2014
Official end (except Postgraduate): 13 June 2014

Official end (Postgraduate only): 16 May 2014


In addition we observe all public holidays of the Republic of Cyprus. The assumption should be made that the College and its facilities are closed on public holidays and outside term time except where explicit arrangements to the contrary are made.


All students are required to be in the College during term dates except public holidays or where explicit permission from a member of the teaching staff is given allowing them to be absent.


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