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postgraduate fine art

Self-Directed Postgraduate

Research Certificate in Fine Art

(3 months full time)


Self-Directed Postgraduate

Research Diploma in Fine Art

(6 months full time)


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The Cyprus College of Art is not a teaching college and so technically we do not offer any courses. However, if you are interested in a self-directed research programme, lasting either three or six months, then our Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art and Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art programmes might be suitable for you.


The Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art and the Postgraduate Diploma are unique self-directed studio research programmes in which you are required to undertake your own studio practice and effectively design your own programme of study. In this you will become part of the artistic community of the Cyprus College of Art and beyond, but we prefer people on the programme to consider themselves to be self-motivated artists, and not student engaged in a pre-determined syllabus of study.


The typical participant in this programme holds a BA and BFA degree in studio art subjects, or similar, but other artists with professional experience are welcome to apply as well.


Based in the rural community of Lemba, north of Paphos town, on the west coast of Cyprus, the course was first held in 1978, it is an extremely well-respected programme that attracts painting, sculpture and other art students from around the world, and in particular from Britain, Ireland and the European Union, and the United States and Canada. All tuition is in English.​


Three possible start dates in 2014 and 2015:​


Option 1: 15 September to 15 December 2014




Option 2: 15 February to 15 May 2015




Option 3: 1 June to 1 September 2015


To obtain the Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art you will work on your studio practice for one three month block. To obtain the Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art you will work on your studio practice for on two three month blocks (i.e. six months).


About the Programmes


The programmes are highly practical in nature, and initially you are asked to set out your working principles and agenda in a short written statement. Using this as your starting point you will be given your own studio space to work in and be asked to explore your own interests and ideas. There is only informal advice given on this programme from resident and visiting artists as and when they are at the College, and from other participants on the programme. For the most part, however, you must simply be able to get on with your own work within the College community.


Optional written work, which can help you progress to masters level study in Fine Art, comprises a self-analysis of your own work in relation to historic and contemporary art and other culture and being in Cyprus.


Most participants on this programme are hands-on painters and sculptors. You should also bear in mind the College is a low-tech environment, so if you have need of specialist technical equipment to make your work you will have to provide this yourself. For painters there is plenty of white-walled studio space, and in the mild climate the opportunity to work outdoors for much of the year. For sculptors, stone-carving, construction, cold-casting and welding are all possible.


Awards and Further Study


At the successful end of the Certificate programme students are awarded the Cyprus College of Art Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art. At the successful end of the Diploma programme students are awarded the Cyprus College of Art Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art.


Most people taking this programmes are only interested in the cultural and artistic experience of studying on these courses. Because of this they are non-credit bearing programmes assessed internally by the Cornaro Institute with assistance from external assessor(s) with appropriate qualifications. They are not part of the KYSATS recognition system.


However, you can obtain academic credit for your studies on these programmes by applying to study for an MA in Fine Art at a university or art college in the UK or Ireland. In the UK you should apply to join an MA Fine Art or similar course and request your studies in Cyprus be assessed for Accreditation of Prior Learning (known as APL). In Ireland you should apply to join an MA Fine Art or similar course and request your studies in Cyprus be assessed for Recognition of Prior Learning (known as RPL).


We have had many students do this successfully in the past, and the result has been that they have been allowed to offset part of their MA studies in the UK or Ireland because of their studies in Cyprus. In some cases this has meant our graduates have had to study for only an additional three months in the UK to obtain an MA degree. However, it is up to the university or art school you apply to how much credit they will allow for your studies in Cyprus, if any.


For more general information on this process click here. The information in this link is provided by CIT but almost all universities and colleges in the UK and Ireland have procedures for APL or RPL which are similar to those described in this link. Contact the UK or Irish university or college of your choice and ask.


Living Accommodation (if required)


We offer rent-free living accommodation to participants in this programme.


The rent free living accommodation is very basic, some would even say primitive, but it is modelled on an old fashioned youth hostel system, with single and twin bedrooms, and shared cooking and washing fascilities, and WCs. These communal areas are cleaned on a rota system by those staying in the accommodation. The accommodation is all self-catering and you will still pay a share of the utility bills.


If you choose not to take the rent-free accommodation the programme fee remains the same as the accommodation is rent free. Similarly, if you do not like the rent free living accommodation there is not financial or other assistance available if you decide to live elsewhere.


If you require higher grade living accommodation you will have to rent this can be arranged outside the College very easily and we can help you do this. The cost of living accommodation rental outside the College is usually 250 euro a month upwards, depending on requirements. Again this excludes utility bills.​


Entry Requirements​


By the time the programme is due to start you should have completed a BA or BFA degree in Fine Art or similar studio arts programme, or be able to show a sustained period of practise as an artists. We do not require specific grades, as we consider the grading of art degrees to be nonsense, and so we will base our decision on whether to offer you a place on the course on your application form, referee statements and on seeing images of your work.


All tuition offered is in English, but bear in mind this is not a taught course in the traditional sense, it is​ a self-directed period of studio practice.


Programme Code: PGC

Programme Name: Postgraduate Certificate in Fine Art

Course fee: €1000 (euro)​




Programme Code: PGD

Programme Name: Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art

Course fee: €1800 (euro)


No bursary or scholarship funding is available from the College.

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing.


To download the full syllabus and workbook click here.


We recommend as early application as possible especially if you require living accommodation. To apply now online please click here.



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