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2015 Conference

18 to 20 June 2015

Nicosia • Cyprus

Draft Programme*

All sessions to take place at:



285 Ermou Street

Old Town

1017 Nicosia



For a map showing the location of the venue please click here.


To help save paper if you have the option of saving this programme onto your portable computer, tablet, mobile phone or iPad please do so. 




Wednesday 17 June 2015 (optional)


Meet 9:45 am outside Holiday Inn hotel for coach trip to the UNESCO-listed painted churches of the Troodhos Mountains. This is a chance to see some stunning rare suvivors from the medieval period, in the remote villages of the Cyprus mountains. We will have time to visit three churches and have lunch in the pretty village of Kakopetria. €25 per person excluding lunch. This will be an all-day trip as the churches are hard to get to, so expect to be back around 6pm.




Thursday, 18 June


From 9:15 am Registration at CVAR


9:45 am Welcome from Rita Severis, Director of CVAR


10:00am Session 1 Drama and Theatre I


Diana Barnes, University of Queensland

Bellicose Passions in Margaret Cavendish’s Plays (1662)


James Fitzmaurice, Northern Arizona University and The University of Sheffield

Houses and Gardens in Cavendish’s The Unnatural Tragedy


11:00 am Break followed by Session 2 Drama and Theatre II


Yaakov A. Mascetti, Bar Ilan University, Israel

Aggressive and Gendered Utopianism in the Plays of Margaret Cavendish


Samia AL-Shayban, King Saud University-Riyadh 

Myth, Reality and Women’s Status in Margaret Cavendish’s Bell in Campo


12:15  Light Lunch Provided at CVAR


1:30 pm Session 3 Blazing World I


Jing-fen Su, National Chengchi University, Taiwan and Visiting Scholar Georgetown University.

Soul-out-of-Body Travel in Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing World and Contemporary Natural Philosophical Debates


Erin Casey-Williams, Nicholas College and Sate University of New York, Albany

Utopic Science and Dystopic Conquest: Gender, Sovereignty, and Discipline in Cavendish’s Blazing World 


Elise Moberly, Brigham Young University 

Cosmic Multiplicity: Refractions of Giordano Bruno within Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing World


3:00 pm Break


3:30 Plenary


Brandie Siegfried, Brigham Young University

Spinning Archimedes' Spiral: Classical Mathematics and Philosophical Teasing in Margaret Cavendish's Poems and Fancies


4:30  Reception at CVAR 




Friday, 19 June


9:30 am Coffee, tea, juice


10:00 am Welcome


10:15 am Session 4 The Ancient World


Justin Begley, University College, Oxford 

Ancient Atomism and Early Poetry: Margaret Cavendish’s Engagement with George Sandys’ Ovid and Joshua Sylvester’s Lucretius


Alex Bennett, Northern Illinois University 

From “Roman Spirit” to Lusty Senex: Or, Not so Roman After All - The Cavendish Sisters Rewrite Virtue


Andrew McCarthy, Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute and University of Edinburgh

Margaret Cavendish and the Roots of Fringe Archaeology


11:45  Lunch (own arrangements)


1:30 pm Session 5 Medicine and Well Being


Lisa Sarasohn, Oregon State University 

Margaret Cavendish’s Galenism


Lisa Walters, University of Ghent

Cavendish’s Critique of Ancient Medicine in Philosophical Letters (1664)


Tien-yi Chao, National Taiwan University

Strategies for Travel Safety and the Presence of Authorial Power in Margaret Cavendish’s Assaulted and Pursued Chastity


3:00 pm Break


3:15 pm Session 6 Rulers and Politics


Sara Mendelson, McMaster University

Turkish delights:  Cavendish and the Grand Signor


Mihoko Suzuki, University of Miami

Animals, the Political, and the Epistemological in Margaret Cavendish


Hilda Smith, The University of Cincinnati 

The Basis for Margaret Cavendish’s Radical Thought


4:45 pm Break


7:00 pm  Conference Dinner




Saturday, 20 June


9:30 am Coffee, tea, juice


10:00 am Welcome


10:15 am Session 7 Blazing World II


Gweno Williams, York St John University & University of York

Building a ‘House-Woman’: The Writings and the Critical Reputation of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle Refracted and Reworked through the Lens of Siri Husvedt’s The Blazing World (2014)


Tom Barwick Plymouth University

Visual Interpretations of The Blazing World by Level Five Undergraduate Illustration Students


11:15  Break


11:30  Session 8 Genius and Thought


Anne M. Thell, National University of Singapore

Mind in Motion: Cavendish, Materialism, and the Mobility of Thought


Delilah Anne Bemudez Brataas, Sør –Trondelag University College

The Blurring of Genus, Genre, and Gender in Margaret Cavendish’s Sociable Letters


12:30 Lunch (own arrangements)


2:00 pm Optional Visit to Local Museums led by Jim Fitzmaurice (on foot) and end of conference.




* Please note this programme is subject to change at short or without notice.

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